

Interactive development environments for exploring and testing oRPC functionality.

Explore oRPC implementations through our interactive playgrounds, featuring pre-configured examples accessible instantly via StackBlitz or local setup.

Available Playgrounds

EnvironmentStackBlitzGitHub Source
Next.js PlaygroundOpen in StackBlitzView Source
Nuxt.js PlaygroundOpen in StackBlitzView Source
OpenAPI PlaygroundOpen in StackBlitzView Source
OpenAPI with Contract PlaygroundOpen in StackBlitzView Source
Express.js PlaygroundOpen in StackBlitzView Source

Note StackBlitz has own limitations, so some features may not work as expected.

Local Development

If you prefer working locally, you can clone any playground using the following commands:

# Clone specific playground environments
npx degit unnoq/orpc/playgrounds/nextjs orpc-nextjs-playground
npx degit unnoq/orpc/playgrounds/openapi orpc-openapi-playground
npx degit unnoq/orpc/playgrounds/contract-openapi orpc-contract-openapi-playground
npx degit unnoq/orpc/playgrounds/expressjs orpc-expressjs-playground

For each project, set up the development environment:

# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start the development server
npm run dev

That's it! You can now access the playground at http://localhost:3000.

On this page