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This comparison table helps you understand how oRPC differs from other popular TypeScript RPC and REST solutions.

  • ✅ First-class, built-in support
  • 🟡 Lacks features, or requires third-party integrations
  • 🛑 Not supported or not documented
End-to-end Input/Output Typesafe
End-to-end Errors Typesafe🟡
End-to-end File/Blob Typesafe🟡🛑
End-to-end Streaming Typesafe🛑
Tanstack Query Integration (React)🟡
Tanstack Query Integration (Vue)🛑🟡
Tanstack Query Integration (Solid)🛑🟡
Tanstack Query Integration (Svelte)🛑🛑
Vue Pinia Colada Integration🛑🛑
With Contract-First Approach🛑
Without Contract-First Approach🛑
OpenAPI Support🟡🟡
Server Actions Support🛑
Lazy Router🛑
Native Types (Date, URL, Set, Maps, ...)🛑
Streaming response (SSE)🛑
Standard Schema🛑
Plugins-able (CORS, ...)🛑
Dedicated Zod SchemasN/A🛑
Use Native Modules on each runtime🟡
Batch Request🛑🛑
Nest.js integration🛑🟡

Released under the MIT License.