Router in oRPC
Routers in oRPC are simple, nestable objects composed of procedures. They can also modify their own procedures, offering flexibility and modularity when designing your API.
Routers are defined as plain JavaScript objects where each key corresponds to a procedure. For example:
import { os } from '@orpc/server'
const ping = os.handler(async () => 'ping')
const pong = os.handler(async () => 'pong')
const router = {
nested: { ping, pong }
Extending Router
Routers can be modified to include additional features. For example, to require authentication on all procedures:
const router = os.use(requiredAuth).router({
nested: {
If you apply middleware using .use
at both the router and procedure levels, it may execute multiple times. This duplication can lead to performance issues. For guidance on avoiding redundant middleware execution, please see our best practices for middleware deduplication.
Lazy Router
In oRPC, routers can be lazy-loaded, making them ideal for code splitting and enhancing cold start performance. Lazy loading allows you to defer the initialization of routes until they are actually needed, which reduces the initial load time and improves resource management.
const router = {
planet: os.lazy(() => import('./planet'))
const PlanetSchema = z.object({
id: z.number().int().min(1),
name: z.string(),
description: z.string().optional(),
export const listPlanet = os
limit: z.number().int().min(1).max(100).optional(),
cursor: z.number().int().min(0).default(0),
.handler(async ({ input }) => {
// your list code here
return [{ id: 1, name: 'name' }]
export default {
list: listPlanet,
// ...
Every procedure is also a router, so you can apply these utilities to procedures as well.
Infer Router Inputs
import type { InferRouterInputs } from '@orpc/server'
export type Inputs = InferRouterInputs<typeof router>
type FindPlanetInput = Inputs['planet']['find']
Infers the expected input types for each procedure in the router.
Infer Router Outputs
import type { InferRouterOutputs } from '@orpc/server'
export type Outputs = InferRouterOutputs<typeof router>
type FindPlanetOutput = Outputs['planet']['find']
Infers the expected output types for each procedure in the router.
Infer Router Initial Contexts
import type { InferRouterInitialContexts } from '@orpc/server'
export type InitialContexts = InferRouterInitialContexts<typeof router>
type FindPlanetInitialContext = InitialContexts['planet']['find']
Infers the initial context types defined for each procedure.
Infer Router Current Contexts
import type { InferRouterCurrentContexts } from '@orpc/server'
export type CurrentContexts = InferRouterCurrentContexts<typeof router>
type FindPlanetCurrentContext = CurrentContexts['planet']['find']
Infers the current context types, which combine the initial context with the execution context and pass it to the handler.