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OpenAPI Error Handling

Before you begin, please review our Error Handling guide. This document shows you how to align your error responses with OpenAPI standards.

Default Error Mappings

By default, oRPC maps common error codes to standard HTTP status codes:

Error CodeHTTP Status CodeMessage
BAD_REQUEST400Bad Request
NOT_FOUND404Not Found
METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED405Method Not Supported
NOT_ACCEPTABLE406Not Acceptable
TIMEOUT408Request Timeout
PRECONDITION_FAILED412Precondition Failed
PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE413Payload Too Large
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE415Unsupported Media Type
UNPROCESSABLE_CONTENT422Unprocessable Content
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS429Too Many Requests
CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUEST499Client Closed Request
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR500Internal Server Error
NOT_IMPLEMENTED501Not Implemented
BAD_GATEWAY502Bad Gateway
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE503Service Unavailable
GATEWAY_TIMEOUT504Gateway Timeout

Any error not defined above defaults to HTTP status 500 with the error code used as the message.

Customizing Errors

You can override the default mappings by specifying a custom status and message when creating an error:

const example = os
      status: 503, // <-- override default status
      message: 'Default error message', // <-- override default message
  .handler(() => {
    throw new ORPCError('ANOTHER_RANDOM_ERROR', {
      status: 502, // <-- override default status
      message: 'Custom error message', // <-- override default message

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