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Tanstack Query Integration

Tanstack Query is a robust solution for asynchronous state management. oRPC’s integration with Tanstack Query is lightweight and straightforward - there’s no extra overhead.

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This documentation assumes you are already familiar with Tanstack Query. If you need a refresher, please review the official Tanstack Query documentation before proceeding.

Query Options Utility

Use .queryOptions to configure queries. Use it with hooks like useQuery, useSuspenseQuery, or prefetchQuery.

const query = useQuery(orpc.planet.find.queryOptions({
  input: { id: 123 }, // Specify input if needed
  context: { cache: true }, // Provide client context if needed
  // additional options...

Infinite Query Options Utility

Use .infiniteOptions to configure infinite queries. Use it with hooks like useInfiniteQuery, useSuspenseInfiniteQuery, or prefetchInfiniteQuery.


The input parameter must be a function that accepts the page parameter and returns the query input. Be sure to define the type for pageParam if it can be null or undefined.

const query = useInfiniteQuery(orpc.planet.list.infiniteOptions({
  input: (pageParam: number | undefined) => ({ limit: 10, offset: pageParam }),
  context: { cache: true }, // Provide client context if needed
  initialPageParam: undefined,
  getNextPageParam: lastPage => lastPage.nextPageParam,
  // additional options...

Mutation Options

Use .mutationOptions to create options for mutations. Use it with hooks like useMutation.

const mutation = useMutation(orpc.planet.create.mutationOptions({
  context: { cache: true }, // Provide client context if needed
  // additional options...

mutation.mutate({ name: 'Earth' })

Query/Mutation Key

Use .key to generate a QueryKey or MutationKey. This is useful for tasks such as revalidating queries, checking mutation status, etc.


The .key accepts partial deep input—there’s no need to supply full input.

const queryClient = useQueryClient()

// Invalidate all planet queries
  queryKey: orpc.planet.key(),

// Invalidate only regular (non-infinite) planet queries
  queryKey: orpc.planet.key({ type: 'query' })

// Invalidate the planet find query with id 123
  queryKey: orpc.planet.find.key({ input: { id: 123 } })

Calling Procedure Clients

Use .call to call a procedure client directly. It's an alias for corresponding procedure client.

const result ={ id: 123 })

Error Handling

Easily manage type-safe errors using our built-in isDefinedError helper.

import { isDefinedError } from '@orpc/client'

const mutation = useMutation(orpc.planet.create.mutationOptions({
  onError: (error) => {
    if (isDefinedError(error)) {
      // Handle the error here

mutation.mutate({ name: 'Earth' })

if (mutation.error && isDefinedError(mutation.error)) {
  // Handle the error here

For more details, see our type-safe error handling guide.

Released under the MIT License.