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Next.js Integration

Next.js is a leading React framework for server-rendered apps. oRPC works with both the App Router and Pages Router. For additional context, refer to the Node Integration and Fetch Server Integration guides.


oRPC also supports Server Action out-of-the-box.

App Router

import { RPCHandler, serve } from '@orpc/server/next'

const handler = new RPCHandler(router)

export const { GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE } = serve(handler, {
  prefix: '/rpc',
  context: async (req) => {
    return {} // Provide initial context if needed


The handler can be any supported oRPC handler, such as RPCHandler, OpenAPIHandler, or another custom handler.

Pages Router

import { RPCHandler } from '@orpc/server/node'

const handler = new RPCHandler(router)

export default async (req, res) => {
  const { matched } = await handler.handle(req, res, {
    prefix: '/rpc',
    context: {}, // Provide initial context if needed

  if (matched) {

  res.statusCode = 404
  res.end('Not found')


The handler can be any supported oRPC handler, such as RPCHandler, OpenAPIHandler, or another custom handler.

Released under the MIT License.