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Fetch Server Integration

The Fetch API Server is a lightweight and high-performance server available in modern runtimes such as Deno, Bun, and Cloudflare Workers.


import { RPCHandler } from '@orpc/server/fetch'
import { CORSPlugin } from '@orpc/server/plugins'

const handler = new RPCHandler(router, {
  plugins: [
    new CORSPlugin()

export async function fetch(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
  const url = new URL(request.url)

  if (url.pathname.startsWith('/rpc')) {
    const { response } = await handler.handle(request, {
      prefix: '/rpc',
      context: {} // Provide initial context if needed

    if (response)
      return response

  return new Response('Not found', { status: 404 })


The handler can be any supported oRPC handler, such as RPCHandler, OpenAPIHandler, or another custom handler.

Released under the MIT License.